Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sarah and Richards Pre- Shoot

Second Pre- Shoot of 2009- and the met office and Beeb were wrong again- We had lovely light to work with. Hats off to you Sarah- to have a pre-shoot with the flu... Whats more you were smiling all the way through...

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Sarah and Wayne's pre- shoot wedding photography Cardiff South Wales

The first Pre-Shoot of 2009... Really good weather [ met office wrong again]... and a really nice couple to work with... Its been 4 weeks since Gail and I held a camera, so we were really fresh and lookin forward to this shoot [ and the one the following day...]. Sarah and Wayne a big thanks from Gail and myself for takin the trouble to come from Bristol for the shoot...Wedding photography Cardiff South Wales

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Monday, January 5, 2009


We have been bombarded with date checks for 2009 and 2010, makes me think that the credit crunch must be some sort of government backed breakfast cereal... Anyways do not leave it too late if you are thinking of booking us....

Our first project this year is in February/March- Nepal... The festival of Holi and a Wedding in Kathmandu... Until then we are working hard on designing the last few wedding books from last year.

2009 will see us making a few anouncements in the book design area- top secret at the moment... but watch this space...

We will also have news for clients who are planning their weddings abroad...

Morocco Dec 08

A short Xmas break without the children! Marrakech- Great quality of light for photography and T- shirt weather... Mint Tea.... Bargain shopping in the souks... and conversations reliant on school-boy French....

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